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Volume 06 - Issue 5 | |

Real-Time Part Verification, Car-Part Pro, and iCPM's New "Verify" Tab
Thousands of recyclers are making their parts searchable for the collision repair industry on Car-Part Pro™, and we've gotten an amazingly positive response from these high-volume purchasers who are excited about all the features available just for them! And to give your professional customer an even easier parts buying experience with Car-Part Pro, we've just released Real Time Part Verification!
Because a part may be sold or otherwise changed after your inventory is uploaded, the new Confirm Availability button that buyers see in Car-Part Pro search results gives them the unique ability to instantly confirm that the information they see about your part is still accurate at the instant they click the button.
Here's how it works:
When searching for a part in Car-Part Pro, your customers will see the Confirm Availability button next to your parts. Your customer clicks this button and sees one of the following messages: |
Available confirms that the part has not changed in your inventory management system since the part was uploaded to Car-Part.com and Car-Part Pro. |  |
New Info! Contact Seller means that the part is still in your inventory management system, but
some details have changed since the part was uploaded to Car-Part Pro. For example, you may have changed the category or the price.
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Unavailable indicates that the part has been sold or deleted since it was uploaded. |
When a customer clicks the Confirm Availability button, Car-Part Pro instantly connects to your management system and checks the status of the part against that part's status in your last upload. Car-Part Pro uses this information to display Available, New Info!, or Unavailable to your customer.
In addition to making your parts more attractive to your customers by giving them the ability to check a part's status in real time, this feature also generates fantastic sales leads for you! Whenever a customer clicks the Confirm Availability button on one of your parts, a notification is sent to the Verify tab in Car-Part Messaging (iCPM).
These notifications show you:
- What type of customer clicked the Confirm Availability button (like a shop or an appraiser)
- The type of message they saw (Available, New Info!, or Unavailable)
- The customer's email and phone number (we're currently developing a way for you to instant message them right in iCPM, too!)
- Exactly what part and services this customer searched for
- A price breakdown including the total price your customer saw, as well as all the private information that was factored in to the total (like brokering fees, warranty, and delivery)
Although you may already see the Verify tab in your iCPM,you must be configured for Real Time Part Verification to feature the Confirm Availability button next to your parts and to start receiving Verify tab notifications. Real Time Part Verification features are exclusively for Car-Part Gold customers. It is currently available only to Checkmate® users and may be coming to your inventory management system in the future. For more information or to get started with the Confirm Availability button and the Verify tabs, contact your sales rep.
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| | Did You Know?
"The New Mexico Certified Automotive Recyclers Association commends the San Juan County Sheriff's Office, the National Salvage Vehicle Reporting Program, and the U.S. Department of Justice's National Motor Vehicle Title Information System (NMVTIS) Enforcement Program for their combined efforts that resulted in the recent prosecution of an illegally operating salvage business in San Juan County, New Mexico.
The prosecution of CBH Trucking and Salvage is the first time that Department of Justice enforcement was taken in conjunction with state prosecution for NMVTIS violations."
Read more on the CAR website.
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