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CrashLink Updates: More Research Capabilities
CrashLink's Analyze tool just got more powerful! All CrashLink users who subscribe to CrashLink Inventory, can now use this tool to scrap smarter and buy better.
Research List Price Value on a Vehicle's Parts
CrashLink's Analyze tool (in the Inventory mode) makes it easy to find valuable parts on a vehicle.  With a quick search, you can pull up a list of all of a vehicle's parts, and see OEM price/application information. Hone in on valuable parts before you buy or scrap.
With today's changes, you can use the Analyze tool to research all parts that CrashLink has data for! (Previously you could only use this feature for CPI+ parts). Click here to see a video walkthrough of how to access and use this feature. Or, keep reading for a crash course.
Suppose you're bidding on a 2020 Honda Civic and you want to research possible parts on the vehicle to check the list prices. Here's how you can use CrashLink to help:
  1. Go to and log in. At the top of the screen, click Inv (to go to Inventory mode).
  2. Enter the year/make/model of the part (or Enter a VIN and click Analyze to have the year/make/model decoded and filled in for you).
  3. Ensure CrashLink Parts is selected. This will give you a list of all CrashLink (OE) Parts, including CPI+Parts. Enter a Price Floor if desired. If you plan to create a list to save and reference later, enter a Stock Number. (This is explained more below.
(The CPI+ option in this drop-down is typically only relevant for Powerlink users using the R number workflow. The CPI+ option creates an independent list that is not useful for most other users.)
  1. Click Search to pull up a list of parts with OEM list price info. (This may take several minutes.)
  2. A list opens displaying the names of all the part types on the vehicle (for which Motor data is available), along with OEM list price range and average. For example, we can see that on that 2020 Honda Civic, the Cruise Control Distance Sensor has an OEM list price of $686.07 - $1,243.92 (depending on the interchange option)! This info may be valuable to you as you bid.
CrashLink's Analyze tool, with search fields and a list of valuable parts
  1. For more details (like pricing for each interchange options, or diagrams and list price history) click Select.
Diagram screen in CrashLink
Save a List of Parts to Reference Later with Stock Number field
If you want to, you can save of a list of the vehicle's parts so you can reference that list later. To save a list, you must enter a "Stock Number" for the vehicle in the Analyze tool.  (You can search without entering a stock number; you just won't be able to save a list of parts after searching.)
While this feature has always been available, today we have moved that field based on customer feedback. Now, the Stock Number field is earlier in your workflow. If you know you'll want to save a list of parts, enter that Stock Number before you Search.
After you search, you can Select a part name and then add parts to your list in the way you're used to. If you've never saved a list this way before, click here to watch a video that will walk you through the whole process of researching parts and saving a list.
Just to remind you:
  • Checkmate and Pinnacle users: this stock number is only used to save a parts list in CrashLink. It does not in any way connect to your management system's stock number.
  • Powerlink users: To assign R Numbers to CPI+ parts, you'll need to enter the vehicle's Stock Number from Powerlink before searching. We will email you separately with more information about changes to your workflow.
Stock Number field in CrashLink
You can also change the stock number if you want to. When you're looking at the list of parts saved for the vehicle:
  1. Enter the new stock number in the field at the bottom of the screen.
  2. Click Change Stock Number.
Remember that this does not affect the stock number in your inventory management system. This only changes the stock number of this list you have saved in CrashLink.
Change Stock Number button in CrashLink
Video Demo - Determine if a Vehicle Has Valuable Parts
We think these changes will make more sense it you can see them in action. Click the thumbnail below to check out a video demo showing how to research the parts on a vehicle and save a list.
Thumbnail for a CrashLink training video
If you don't already subscribe to CrashLink's Inventory features, but you want to learn more, contact your sales rep. Your sales rep can explain how CrashLink is a valuable research tool for all management systems, and how CrashLink helps Pinnacle and Powerlink yards sell Car-Part Interchange Plus parts on
Contact Sales Rep
*Some features shown may require an additional subscription. Contact your salesperson to learn more
November 12-16, 2024
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We're hosting 5 days of online classes, FREE for our recycler customers! We'll walk you through the latest features of the programs you use every day, and introduce ideas that you can immediately put into action at your business. Register here!
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