Photomate is like Checkmate's sidekick. Add photos to parts, manage your part locations, assign interchange to Resolution Parts, and even add parts to your inventory, all from your mobile device. Your work is uploaded to Checkmate right away!
Take Part Photos
Use your mobile device to view tasks and easily add images to parts.
Inventory Parts
Add a part to your inventory, right from your mobile device!
Audit Part Locations
Conduct location audits to keep your Checkmate data current.
Move Parts
Relocate parts with or without barcodes.
Assign Interchange to Resolution Parts
Resolution parts are parts that need interchange assigned.
Maintain Price Book
Quickly identify prices that haven't been updated in a while.
Edit Inventory
Look up a part in your inventory and edit the details.
Bulk Edit
Move or delete multiple parts at one time.
- View tasks and easily add images to parts. These images are sent to Checkmate.
- Crop photos and add circles/arrows.
- Add a part to your Checkmate inventory, right from your mobile device!
- Add the part to Checkmate's tag queue, assign ARA damage codes, flag for review, mark as private, and take photos.
- Conduct location audits to keep your Checkmate data current and reduce "lost" parts.
- Use the built-in barcode scanner to verify part locations, or look up parts without barcodes.
- Relocate parts with or without barcodes.
- When moving vehicles, immediately update locations for related parts.
- Resolution parts are parts that need interchange assigned.
- Look up Resolution Parts by Location, Stock #, Part Type, and/or Model.
- Update Checkmate's Price Book and existing inventory prices.
- Quickly identify prices that haven't been updated in a while.
- Easily research pricing on CrashLink and Trading Partners.
- Easily look up groups of parts in your inventory.
- Move or delete multiple parts at one time.
- Look up a part in your inventory and edit the details: part description, condition, price, images, and more!
- Available for iOS or Android.
- Use Photomate with or without Wi-Fi.
- No extra charge for multiple Photomate users at your business.
Learn More or Contact Your Sales Rep

 Questions about our products? Call Car-Part at (859) 344-1925. You can also reach us via email for sales assistance or general information.