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The Car-Part Scoop
Use eBay Business Policies with Checkmate!
We're excited to announce that Checkmate now works with your eBay Business Policies!
eBay "Business Policies" are your eBay store’s policies for payment, shipping, and return details. Now in Checkmate, you can map eBay Business Policies to your parts directly within Checkmate, so they're applied to the listings you create with Checkmate. 
An auto-cycler working on a laptop.
After you map your eBay Business Policies in Checkmate, they'll be applied to any future listings you create with Checkmate!
You can:
  • Select default Business Policies for all part types
  • Select Business Policies for specific part types (e.g., have a specific shipping policy just for engines, or a specific return policy just for tires)
  • List parts with exceptions to your policies (e.g., list a tire without using the normal tire policies you have set up)
This new feature was released to Checkmate earlier this year. You may have already upgraded and may already have these new features.
Checkmate users: If you don't have this feature yet, you can start upgrading today to get eBay Business Policies integration! Click the button below to get started.
Begin the Upgrading Process
If you have already upgraded but you still need some help, check out our training videos! We'll walk you step-by-step through the process of setting up Checkmate to map eBay Business Policies, and we'll show you how the feature works in detail!
Cleaning Up/Configuring eBay Business Policies in eBay
Setting Up eBay Business Policies in Checkmate
Adjusting eBay Business Policies for an Individual Part
If you don't use Checkmate but would like to learn more, please contact your salesperson for a free demo.
Texas Automotive Recyclers Association (TARA) Trade Show and Convention
September 8-9, 2023
Kemah, TX
Booth #6
Greg Green Speaking: "Photomate & Checkmate Inventory Pro"
Alberta Automotive Recyclers and Dismantlers Association (AARDA) Annual General Meeting & Convention
September, 15-16
Calgary, AB
Tim Schneider Speaking
The Association of Auto Parts Recyclers (ARPAC) Congrès
September 15-16
Bromont, QC
Auto Recyclers Northeast (ARNE) Summit & Expo 2023
September 21-23
Albany, NY
Theresa Colbert Speaking: "Teach Them Right the First Time"
Theresa Colbert Moderating: "Data & Inventory"
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