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Partmate makes the process of inventorying new vehicles quicker, easier, and simpler than ever before. Partmate gives you a direct connection to the Checkmate inventory management system and Bidmate, the industry's premier bidding tool. Partmate's new $martList feature even helps you identify parts that will lead to profits - and uncover "hidden value" in a vehicle. Make more money out of the vehicles you're already buying!

How It Works
Partmate is user-friendly - all of your work taking place across a simple layout. Partmate is also very portable - install on an office computer, or carry it with you on a tablet so you can stand right next to the vehicle as you inventory.

Man using Partmate software on a tablet

Enter Vehicle Information
If you use Bidmate, then the vehicles you won at the auction will already be waiting in Partmate for you. You can also pull in "Not inventoried" vehicles from Checkmate. Otherwise, you can enter vehicles manually by VIN or year/model. Then provide some basic vehicle information like stock number, location, and primary/secondary damage.

Screenshot showing Partmate's 'Vehicles' tab

Then, you can select some vehicle attributes, like the paint color and transmission type. Partmate will use this information to automatically fill out your part descriptions for you as you inventory parts. (For example, if you identify the color of the vehicle as RED EXT, then every sheet metal body part will automatically have "RED EXT" included in the part description.)

Screenshot showing Partmate's 'Options' tab

$martList Identifies Parts to Inventory
Now, you're ready to inventory parts. Partmate's new $martList technology easily identifies parts that will lead to profits for you. Profitable parts are clearly labeled, so you don't miss them! $martList uncovers the "hidden value" in a vehicle, so you can inventory the right parts for your business. $martList's transparent algorithm suggests parts to inventory based on marketplace data from and Integrated Car Part Pro (iPro) searches. The algorithm also uses your own sales/request data, current inventory, CrashLink labor data, core buyer data, and Car-Part Interchange Plus. $martList analyzes each interchange number on a vehicle, and answers questions like:

  • "Are there parts that the data says I should be inventorying, but I'm not?"
  • "Are there parts that I'm currently inventorying, that aren't as profitable as I thought?"

Flowchart illustrating that data from Checkmate, CrashLink, Car-Part Interchange, and Core Pricing are used by $martList to calculate a result of 'Inventory' or 'Don't Need to Inventory.'

$martList even takes into consideration the differences between parts. For example, your inventory strategy for high-dollar parts is likely different than your strategy for low-dollar parts. (A 20% profit on a high-dollar part may be valuable, but a 20% profit on a low-value part might not be worth it to you.) Some parts are sold mostly to a local market, while some can be shipped nationwide. $martList can take all of this into account when determining which parts are valuable additions to your inventory.

Inventory Parts
While you're inventorying,'s exclusive SmartVin technology determines many of the interchange choices automatically from the VIN. As you work, Smart Interchange learns about your vehicle and reduces interchange choices for you. You'll also have information about requests, sales, and quantity on hand, all on one screen.

Screenshot showing a part being inventoried on Partmate's 'Parts' tab

It's easy to grade parts and assign damage codes. Mechanical parts are graded automatically based on year and mileage. Lights, glass, mirrors, seats, and other subjective parts are graded based on the part's condition. Body parts are easily graded with our "point-and-click" graphics. Tap on the location, type, and amount of damage, then an ARA damage code is automatically assigned. (And you can configure Partmate to automatically adjust prices based on grades.)

Screenshot showing Partmate's 'ARA Primary Damage Selection' tab, with a fender being graded.

You can update your Checkmate Price Book while you're in Partmate. When you need help pricing parts, Partmate gives you one-click access to Trading Partners (so you can see how recyclers are pricing similar parts in your area), and one-click access to CrashLink (to view current OEM pricing and labor data).


Part Photos
We suggest you take part photos while you inventory. These photos will be sent to Checkmate, and then included in your online part listings on Car Part Pro,, Trading Partners, your own website, and eBay. Customers need detailed information as they make their buying decisions, and integrating images into your inventory and online listings is a great compliment to the ARA part grade information you use already.

With Partmate, you can select a photo to be the Primary image (the main thumbnail in online part listings) and you can also select which parts you want to keep Private (it will be sent to Checkmate, but won't be included in online part listings).

Screenshot showing Partmate's camera function, with photos of a Front Door

This is how your images will appear in search results:

Screenshot showing Car Part Pro search results with the Front Door photos featured

If questions come up while inventorying, your team can send parts to Partmate Review, where they can be reviewed by a manager. A manager can add, edit, or delete parts instantly, and add notes. (You can even configure Partmate to hide parts from Checkmate's sales process until they're reviewed.)

Screenshot showing Partmate's 'Partmate Review' feature

Plus! Photomate
Advanced Partmate subscribers have exclusive access to Photomate, the mobile app that works like Checkmate's "sidekick." With Photomate, you can:

  • Take and edit photos of your inventory
  • Add parts to inventory
  • Review parts in resolution
  • Move parts
  • Audit locations
  • Maintain your Checkmate Price Book
  • Move or delete multiple parts at one time
  • Look up a part in your inventory and edit the information

All from your smartphone!

Learn more in the Photomate section of this site.

Screenshot showing Photomate's home screen

Crucial Integration
  • SmartVin and Smart Interchange speed up the inventory process. If you enter a vehicle into Partmate using the VIN, SmartVin will determine many of the interchange numbers automatically. And Smart Interchange will reduce interchange choices as it learns more about the vehicle.
  • Car-Part Interchange Plus* provides new and enhanced interchange for 100 part types, above and beyond the industry standard.
  • After you win a vehicle at an auction, Bidmate automatically sends vehicle and pricing information to Partmate so that you can start inventorying the vehicle as soon as you purchase it.
  • Easily access Trading Partners and CrashLink from within Partmate.
  • After you inventory a vehicle, you can export that information to Checkmate.

Flowchart illustrating the integration between Bidmate, Partmate, Partmate Review, Checkmate, and Photomate

Time-Saving Results
Partmate has proven itself to be an invaluable tool to recyclers with its simple layout, intuitive features, and easy portability. It's a time-saver that makes the inventory process much more efficient. If you want to learn more about how Partmate can help your business, call your Partmate sales rep or contact our main office at 859-344-1925.

Some products and features described on this page require an additional subscription.

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Photomate: Mobile Imaging

$martList: Optimize sales of hot selling parts, based on marketplace data!